Blog Journal #1

   Hello my name is Kyla Fedderly, I am 18 years old, and a freshman here at Florida State University. My favorite sport to play is soccer, which I have played since I was 3 years old. I am the second oldest out of my 3 siblings and am a part of a family of 6. I plan on graduating in 4 years with my masters in Elementary Education in hopes to become a 2nd grade teacher like my mom. Later I plan on getting my masters degree in Business as well while I am teaching. 

    Prior to this class I took a technology class in grade school. The class consisted of blogging on Weebly, coding, creating (PowerPoints, brochures, posters, etc.), and learning how to use the basic functions of a computer. Not only has this helped me thus far but it will continue to help me as I take this technology class and become a teacher. Teachers use technology every day to teach their students, especially now that we have several classes on Zoom. 

    We use many different online learning networks everyday. For example for all of my classes we use Canvas to complete and turn in assignments. Not only do we use platforms like Canvas but I use study tools like Kahoot or Quizlet to make quizzes and flashcards for myself to study. Another resource that I use are my calendars online and offline, this keeps me on schedule and able to turn in my assignments on time. 

    As a teacher I'm going to need to know how to use many forms of technology to guide and teach my students. Not only will technology benefit myself and my students but it can help other teachers communicate and share ideas that others can use in their own classroom. As technology and information changes we will also need to change with it and continue to learn the best ways and which technological tools to best benefit us and others. 

A Woman Sitting By The Table With Children (
Image by: Mikhail Nilov


  1. Kyla, what was it like growing up with so many siblings? I only have one and things got a little hectic with just us two in the house.
    As for your PLN, mine is almost the same, I use Canvas everyday as well, and I love my calendar. I have a planner I bring with me to write all my assignments down in and it is so helpful.

  2. Hi Kyla!

    I love that you are following your mom's same path as a hopeful second grade teacher! I had the same goal and aspiration when I was a younger girl as I look up to my mom in everything that she does. I think it is amazing that you have a goal set for yourself and that you know you want to get your Master's degree. I love your mention of Kahoot and Quizlet in your PLN because as students these help us study or make learning fun. I feel like I personally rely on my professors and peers a bit more than technology, but since the pandemic it has become a go to with half of my classes online. I hope to learn some technological skills from you and all of your prior experience!

  3. Hi Kyla! I am also planning on becoming an elementary school teacher, and 2nd grade is one that I would love to teach along with kindergarten and 1st grade! I love that you are filling in your mom's footsteps! I am also the oldest kid, but I only have 1 little sister. We have used some of the same PLN throughout school like canvas, kahoot, and quizlet! All of these networks have helped me in my academic career!


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