Blog Journal #2

I have used Microsoft Word ever since I could remember typing my first paper. I prefer to use Microsoft Word because not only have I used it the longest but I find it the easiest for me to navigate and work. In high school we only used Microsoft Word to collaborate with other students and complete assignments to turn in. I feel that Microsoft Word gives you a wide range and variety of formats and templates to use for man different things to help you not only in school but in life. 

The standard that I feel is very important for K-12 is collaborator. Although I feel all are very important collaborator seems the most reasonable. A collaborator is an educator who takes time to work with both students and colleagues to share ideas and come up with new ideas and practices. As a collaborator you need to be able to communicate with students, parents, and colleagues to best improve a students learning and skills. This is important for K-12 because it gains everyone's perspective of the student and how we can help them. 

I understand Mark Pernsky's view on digital natives and digital immigrants. When someone say digital native it means people who were born into a time when digital technology was already around. Through out my schooling and still to this day I have seen a difference between how I (digital native) and most of my teachers (digital immigrants) use technology. Many times you experience in class students helping teachers with technology and how to use it. Thankfully these experiences have not effected my learning experience in any way. I expect that once I'm a teacher and technology continues to grow I will become the digital immigrant and my students will be the digital natives. 

 (Links to an external site.)an educational leader and author who is well known for sharing his vision of the future of education. His basic premise was that digital natives are “native speakers” of the Internet and related technologies. He contrasted digital natives with a group of people he referred to as “digital immigrants.” As he discussed contemporary educational settings, the implication was that digital immigrants are responsible for teaching digital natives, and they may not be speaking the same language. He recommended that digital immigrants learn to change their ways in order to more effectively interact with and educate digital natives. However, in the nearly two decades since he began using the terms, we’ve reached a time when some of those digital natives are becoming educators themselv
