
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Journal #5

 I haven’t been using twitter very long because I only got it recently for this class. Lately I have been looking at some very helpful educational pages that have proven to be very beneficial. These pages are RealClearEducation, KP Elementary & Secondary Education Department, and U.S. Department of Education. I have followed cited like these because they retain to the career I plan on pursuing. In my future career twitter can be a great place for other teacher to collaborate classroom ideas as well as keeping up to date with new and improved reforms. -           Digital divide is another topic that can affect students’ success in schools. Digital divide is the gap between people who do and do not have access to technology. It affects students by “creating disparity among” them, meaning some are believed to have a better advantage for success in education. Some causes of digital divide are the parents support for the use of technolo...

Blog Journal #4

Hey Blog, The ELA Technology standard grade level I chose was 2 nd grade. I chose second grade because that is what I hope to end up teaching one day. The standard that I chose was the use of guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. The technology used would be a collaborative Smart Board or Promethean Board activities, class blogs and wikis, online storybook creators such as Story Jumper, online graphics software such as pixlr,   word processors such as Word. I feel that I could implement this in my classroom because it would give the kids a variety of opportunities to use different sites and skills to use. There are many resources that can be used from the CPALMS for many different grades and subjects. The grade I selected was 2 nd grade mathematics. The tool is adding two-digit numbers without regrouping, they used Khan academy for this. I feel like Khan is a great tool to use be...

Blog Journal #3

  Hello blog, Just so you know copyright and fair use are two different things from each other. While copy right protects the idea or creation from being used by other people to pass on as their own, while fair use allows you to comment on make a parody on, or criticize the work without any repercussions. As a teacher I would encourage students to use their own work and refrain from plagiarism and copyright. I would use different programs that can help me check my students work to make sure it is their authentic work. If I were to find that they used someone else’s I would have them redo it but in their own unique way. Cyberbullying is a huge problem, not only is it an issue in technology uses in the classroom but throughout the world. One way we can fix this issue is to educate our students on the effects that cyberbullying can have on a student’s life. Another way that we can prevent it is by monitoring our students in a way that can both prevent cyberbullying from happening/...

Blog Journal #2

I have used Microsoft Word ever since I could remember typing my first paper. I prefer to use Microsoft Word because not only have I used it the longest but I find it the easiest for me to navigate and work. In high school we only  used Microsoft Word to collaborate with other students and complete assignments to turn in. I feel that Microsoft Word gives you a wide range and variety of formats and templates to use for man different  things to help you not only in school but in life.  The standard that I feel is very important for K-12 is collaborator. Although I feel all are very important collaborator seems the most reasonable. A collaborator is an educator who takes time to work with both students and colleagues to share ideas and come up with new ideas and practices. As a collaborator you need to be able to communicate with students, parents, and colleagues to best improve a students learning and skills. This is importa...

Blog Journal #1

     Hello my name is Kyla Fedderly, I am 18 years old, and a freshman here at Florida State University. My favorite sport to play is soccer, which I have played since I was 3 years old. I am the second oldest out of my 3  siblings and am a part of a family of 6. I plan on graduating in 4 years with my masters in Elementary Education in hopes to become a 2nd grade teacher like my mom. Later I plan on getting my masters degree in Business as well while I am teaching.       Prior to this class I took a technology class in grade school. The class consisted of blogging on Weebly, coding, creating (PowerPoints, brochures, posters, etc.), and learning how to use the basic functions of a computer. Not only has this helped me thus far but it will continue to help me as I take this technology class and become a teacher. Teachers use technology every day to teach their students, especially now that we have several classes on Zoom.  ...